Ken Minkoff, M.D.

CO-OCCURRING DISORDER RESOURCE BIBLIOGRAPHY (2007) - Compiled by Kenneth Minkoff, MD and Christie A. Cline, MD, MBA

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•  Minkoff, K. What is Integration, Part I: (System and Services) Journal of Dual Diagnosis (2006) 2 (4): 133-144; What is Integration, Part II: (Programs and Practices). J. Dual Dx. (2007) 3 (1):149-158. What is Integration, Part III. (Clinicians and Competencies) J Dual Dx (2007) 3 (3/4):187-97.

•  Minkoff K. Dual Diagnosis Enhanced Programs: Journal of Dual Diagnosis (2008), in press.

•  Minkoff, K & Cline, C. CODECAT™ (Version 1): Co-occurring Disorders Educational Competency Assessment Tool/Clinician Core Competencies for Co-occurring Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Disorders, Zialogic 2001; COMPASS™ (Version 1): Co-morbidity Program Audit and Self-Survey for Behavioral Health Services/Adult and Adolescent Program Audit Tool for Dual Diagnosis Capability, Zialogic 2001; CO-FIT100™ 100 (Version 1): CCISC Outcome Fidelity and Implementation Tool, Zialogic 2002.

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•  Minkoff K & Cline C, Changing the World: the design and implementation of comprehensive continuous integrated systems of care for individuals with co-occurring disorders. Psychiat Clin N Am 2004, 27: 727-743.

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•  Promise of Recovery. Gerald T. Rogers Productions. 800-227-9100.

•  Double Trouble. Gerald T. Rogers Productions.

•  Out of the Tunnel; Into the Light. Hazelden. 800-328-9000.

•  12 Steps & Dual Disorders. Hazelden.

•  Dual Diagnosis.(1994) NIDA, Rockville , MD. .

•  Understanding Bipolar Disorder and Addiction (Dual Diagnosis Series), Hazelden

•  Understanding Depression and Addiction

•  Understanding Major Anxiety Disorders and Addiction

•  Understanding Personality Problems and Addiction

•  Understanding Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Addiction.

•  Dual Diagnosis: An Integrated Model for Treatment. Kenneth Minkoff, MD. Mental Illness Education Project. 800-343-5540.

•  Recovery Stories, DVD or VHS, (Co-Occurring Consumer Stories) CCSME/NAMI Maine, 207-878-6170,