Ken Minkoff, M.D.


Audiovisual Material, Publications, Review, Book Chapters, Books and Monographs

Audiovisual Materials

1. Minkoff K. Integrated Model of Treatment for Dual Diagnosis (videotape). Mental Illness Education Project, Boston, MA. 2000. phone 800-343-5540


1. Minkoff K., Bergman E., Beck A., and Beck R. "Hopelessness, Depression and
Attempted Suicide." American Journal of Psychiatry, 130 (4:455), April 1973.

2. Holding T. and Minkoff K. "Parasuicide and the Menstrual Cycle." Journal of
Psychosomatic Research, 17 (365), December 1973.

3. Morrison J. and Minkoff K. "Explosive Personality as a Sequel to the Hyperactive Child Syndrome." Comprehensive Psychiatry, 16 (343), 1975.

4. Goldhaber S., Conn S., and Minkoff K. "An Obsessive-Compulsive Neurotic
Patient in Crisis." Western Journal of Medicine, 127, 120-128, 1977.

5. Stern R. and Minkoff K. "Paradoxes in Programming for Chronic Patients in a
Community Clinic." Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 30 (9), 613-617, 1979.

6. Minkoff K. and Stern R. "Paradoxes Faced by Residents Being Trained in the
Psychosocial Treatment of People with Chronic Schizophrenia." Hospital and
Community Psychiatry, 36 (8), 859-864, 1985.

7. Minkoff K. "Resistance of Mental Health Professionals to Working with the
Chronic Mentally Ill." New Directions for Mental Health Services, Jossey-Bass, 33, 3-20, 1987. (abstract)

8. Minkoff K. "Beyond Deinstitutionalization: A New Ideology for the
Post-Institutional Era." Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 38 (9), 945-950, 1987. (abstract)

9. Trotter C., Minkoff K., Harrison K., and Hoops J. "Supported Work: An
Innovative Approach to the Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons who are
Psychiatrically Disabled." Rehabilitation Psychology, 33, 27-36, Spring 1988.

10. Minkoff K. "Development of an Integrated Model for the Treatment of Patients with Dual Diagnosis of Psychosis and Addiction." Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 40 (10), 1031-1036, October 1989. (abstract)

11. Batten H., Bachman S., Higgins R., Manzik N., Parham C., and Minkoff K.
"Implementation Issues in Addictions Day Treatment." Hospital and Health Services Administration, 34 (3), 427-439, Fall 1989. (abstract)

12. Faulkner L., Cutier D., Krohn D., Factor R., Goldfinger S., Goldman C., Lamb
H.R., Lefley H., Minkoff K., Schwartz S., Shore N., and Tasman A. "A Basic
Residency Curriculum Concerning the Chronically Mentally Ill." American Journal of Psychiatry, 146 (10), 1323-1327, October 1989. (abstract)

13. Drake R., McLaughlin P., Pepper B., and Minkoff K. "Dual Diagnosis of Major Mental Illness and Substance Disorder: An Overview." New Directions for Mental
Health Services
, Jossey-Bass, 50, 3-13, 1991.

14. Minkoff K. "Program Components of a Comprehensive Integrated Care System for Serious Mentally Ill Patients with Substance Disorders." New Directions for Mental Health Services, Jossey-Bass, 50, 13-27, 1991.

15. Bachman S., Batten H., Minkoff K., Higgins R., Manzik N., and Mahoney D.
"Predicting Success in a Community Treatment Program for Substance Abusers."
American Journal on Addictions, 1 (2), 155-167, 1992. (abstract)

16. Minkoff K. "Development of a Training Guide for Psychiatric Residents in the
Psychosocial Treatment of People with Long-Term Mental Illness." Innovations &
Research, 1 (3), 31-34, Summer 1992.

17. Lamb H.R., Goldfinger S., Greenfeld D., Minkoff K., Nemiah J., Schwab J.,
Talbot J., Tasman A., and Bachrach L. "Ensuring Services for Persons with Chronic Mental Illness Under National Health Care Reform." Hospital and Community
Psychiatry, 44 (6), 545-546, June 1993. (abstract)

18. Minkoff K. "Intervention Strategies for People with Dual Diagnosis." Innovations & Research, 2 (4), 11-17, 1993.

19. Minkoff K. "Community Mental Health in the Nineties: Public Sector Managed Care." Community Mental Health Journal, 30 (4), 317-321, August 1994.

20. Minkoff K. "Models for Addiction Treatment in Psychiatric Populations."
Psychiatric Annals, 24 (8), 412-417, August 1994.

21. Minkff K. "Double Jeopardy: Chronic Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders." Psychiatric Services, 48:841-842, 1997.

22. Minkoff K. "An Integrated Model for the Management of Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Disorders in Managed Care Systems" Disease Management & Health Outcomes, 8:250-257, 2000 (abstract)

23. Drake RE, Essock SM, Shaner A, Carey KB, Minkoff K, et al. "Implementing Dual Diagnosis Services for Clients with Severe Mental Illness" Psychiatric Services, 52:469-76, 2001. (pdf)

24. Minkoff K, "Developing Standards of Care for Individuals with Co-occurring Psychiatric and Substance Disorders" Psychiatric Services, 52:597-99, 2001.

25. Minkoff K, "Level of Care Determination for Individuals with Co-occurring Psychiatric and Substance Disorders" Psychiatric Rehabilitation Skills, 5:163-196, 2001. (abstract)

26. Minkoff K, Zweben J, Rosenthal R, and Ries RK. "Developing Service Intensity Criteria and Program Categories for Individuals with Co-occurring Disorders" Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, in press. 2002


1. Minkoff K. "A Map of the Chronic Mental Patient" in Task Force Report of the
American Psychiatric Association Ad Hoc Committee on the Chronic Mental Patient,
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 11-37, 1978.

Book Chapters

1. Minkoff K. "Treating the Dually Diagnosed in Psychiatric Settings" in N.S. Miller
(ed.) Treating Coexisting Psychiatric and Addictive Disorders: A Practical Guide,
Centercity, MN: Hazelden Educational Materials, 1994.

2. Minkoff K. "Dual Diagnosis in Seriously and Persistently Mentally Ill Individuals: An
Integrated Approach" in J. Vaccaro and G. Clark (eds.) Practicing Psychiatry in the
Community, Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 221-253, 1996.

3. Minkoff K. and Soreff S. "Dual Diagnosis - Serious Mental Illness and Substance
Abuse: One Person, Two Major Problems, One Approach" in S.M. Soreff (ed.)
Handbook for the Treatment of the Seriously Mentally Ill, Seattle, WA: Hogrefe &
Huber, 315-323, 1996.

4. Minkoff K. "Integration of Addiction and Psychiatric Treatment" in N.S. Miller (ed.)
The Principles and Practice of Addictions in Psychiatry, Philadelphia, PA, 191-199,

5. Minkoff K. "Resistance of Mental Health Professionals to Working with People
with Serious Mental Illness" in L. Spaniol, C. Gagne, and M. Koehler (eds.)
Psychological and Social Aspects of Psychiatric Disability, Boston, MA: Center for
Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 334-347, 1997.

6. Minkoff K. "Public Sector Managed Care and Community Mental Health Ideology"
in K. Minkoff and D. Pollack (eds.) Managed Mental Health Care in the Public
Sector: A Survival Manual, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Harwood Academic
Publishers, 13-24, 1997.

7. McFarland B. and Minkoff K. "Utilization Management, Part I" in K. Minkoff and
D. Pollack (eds.) Managed Mental Health Care in the Public Sector: A Survival
Manual, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Harwood Academic Publishers, 151-157,

8. Minkoff K. "Integration of Addiction and Psychiatric Services" in K. Minkoff and
D. Pollack (eds.) Managed Mental Health Care in the Public Sector: A Survival
Manual, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Harwood Academic Publishers, 223-246,

9. Beigel A., Minkoff K., and Shore M. "Research: System, Program, and Clinician
Level Measures" in K. Minkoff and D. Pollack (eds.) Managed Mental Health Care in
the Public Sector: A Survival Manual, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Harwood
Academic Publishers, 309-320, 1997.

10. Tasman A. and Minkoff K. "Training Issues in Public Sector Managed Mental
Health Care" in K. Minkoff and D. Pollack (eds.) Managed Mental Health Care in the
Public Sector: A Survival Manual, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Harwood Academic
Publishers, 321-330, 1997.

11. Pollack D and Minkoff K. "The Medical Director's Role in Organized Care Delivery Systems" in Talbott JA & Hales RE (eds.), Textbook of Administrative Psychiatry, Second Edition Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Publishing, 83-92, 2001.

Books and Monographs

1. Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, Committee on Psychiatry and the
Community. A Family Affair: A Guide for Professionals Working with Families of the
Chronically Mentally Ill. GAP Report #119, NY: Brunner-Mazel, 1987.

2. Minkoff K. and Drake R.E. (eds.) Dual Diagnosis of Serious Mental Illness and
Substance Disorder, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1991.

3. Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, Committee on Psychiatry and the
Community (K. Minkoff, Chairman). A Resident's Guide to Treatment of People with
Chronic Mental Illness. GAP Report #136, Washington, DC: American Psychiatric
Press, 1993.

4. Minkoff K. and Pollack D. (eds.) Public Sector Managed Mental Health Care: A
Survival Manual, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Harwood Academic Publishers,

5. Panel on Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Disorders, Center for Mental
Health Services Managed Care Initiative (K. Minkoff, Chair). Annotated
Bibliography, July 1997.

6. Panel on Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Disorders, Center for Mental
Health Services Managed Care Initiative (K. Minkoff, Chair). Co-Occurring
Psychiatric and Substance Disorders in Managed Care: Standards of Care, Practice
Guidelines, Workforce Competencies and Training Curricula, January 1998.